

The Dominique Ouattara kindergarten of Mankono


I would like first of all to thank you about your welcome full of enthusiasm, and I want to tell you that I am very happy to be here on this day, with Mankono children.


Thank you for giving my name to this beautiful kindergarten, it touches much my heart.


I welcome the presence of personalities accompanying us today, especially the President of the National Assembly, my younger brother Guillaume Soro who gave us the pleasure to accompany us; my sister Madame Minister Anne Ouloto who fights for women and children in Côte d’Ivoire; and finally, the Minister of State Mr. Moussa Dosso and Minister Ibrahima Cissé Bacongo; who are both sons of the region. Thank you for having rehabilitated the school, young brother.


My greetings also extend to all my sisters, wives of Ministers, as well as administrative and political authorities present with us today.


Dear Parents,


You know my commitment to the cause of children in Côte d’Ivoire and Africa. It is to help the most vulnerable sections of the population that I created Children of Africa Foundation.

For me, the future of our great country rests on the development of these children so dear to our hearts. So I could not go pass in Mankono without taking the time to hug them and give them gifts.


My Dear Children,


I brought you this morning, toys and books, and various other gifts that will be used to equip your kindergarten. So you can come and play with your classmates, to swing and have fun in joy and happiness. Know that I’ll always be there for you and I love you very much.


Dear Educators,


I commend you for the outstanding coaching and instruction of our children, you do every day. Thanks to you, our children will grow up with the values of sharing and solidarity that we defend. I encourage you to continue in this direction.


To all I wish good holidays.


Tthank you.

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