The elimination of the mother to child hiv transmission

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is for me a renewed pleasure to meet you this afternoon, after a fruitful day of discussions.
I thank you for the work achieved today, allowing us to attack effectively together to this pandemic, which has already caused too much devastating trouble among our populations, namely among our dear children.
I wanted to come to thank and congratulate each of you for your contribution and support to the common reflection that has been conducted during this work.
Dear Participants,
The diversity that you represent, will encourage the setting up of a strong coalition between governments, private sector, civil society, NGOs and philanthropists, as well as between all other stakeholders in favor of the fight against HIV-AIDS.
To this end, I have taken careful note of the proposals and recommendations that have just been set out, and whose implementation will allow the achievement of our common goal. These objectives are, among others:
– Taking a collective commitment to end pediatric AIDS,
– Ensuring that the 90-90-90 become a reality and that these objectives apply to all our sick children
– Mobilizing sufficient resources to respond to this injustice that is pediatric AIDS on our continent, and putting end to it in the near future. 2020 if possible!
I would like, in addition to these important recommendations, to suggest that our countries are committed more than ever in the local production of ARV drugs in general, and pediatric formulations in particular to reduce purchasing costs and meet all our needs.
I remain convinced that we will succeed in eradicating this disease by mobilizing and pooling energies, abilities and skills of each of the stakeholders .
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Personally, as UNAIDS Special Ambassador, I will continue to get involved and lead my plea to obtain the resources needed in the fight against pediatric AIDS on our continent and in the world.
I will close my remarks by reiterating my warm thanks to all participants and wishing you a good return.
Thank you.