

The opening ceremony of the sos children s village of Abobo


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Children! It is with great pleasure that I’m meeting you again in the “SOS Children’s Villages of Abobo, following the full restoration of its buildings.

My greetings extend, first, to the distinguished personalities present this morning, especially Mrs. Euphrasie YAO, Minister for the Promotion of the Family, Women and Child Protection, the Minister supervising the SOS village. And my sisters, Spouses of Ministers who are attending with us.

I also thank Madame Jeanne Peuhmond, Deputy Mayor of the Commune of Abobo and Special Advisor to the President of the Republic, who receives us in his commune.

I would then, extend my warm greetings to Mr. Benoit Piot, Regional Director for West and Central Africa at “SOS Children’s Villages International; Monsieur Paul Gbato, National Director of SOS Children’s Village; and all members of their team.

I also welcome the administrative, political and religious officers, as well as our traditional leaders who came to show their support for the action of the SOS Village. Finally, I extend my warm greetings and thanks to all our populations of Abobo, for the very warm welcome that was reserved for us.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would first of all about you expressing my delight for rediscovering the SOS Children’s Village Abobo renovated after my last visit in 2013, with Mrs. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF. The village has now beautiful new buildings that will benefit our dear children. The space looks great, and I congratulate all those who worked for its full rehabilitation.

Present in Côte d’Ivoire since 1971, the SOS Children’s Village creates for orphans and children abandoned or in trouble, the warmth of a healthy family cocoon that allows them to grow up in good conditions.

Today, there are more than 2 300 children who are supported in the center, to receive love, guidance and a good education. This way, children can flourish in peace, as well as their other classmates. As you know, the welfare of our children has always been a major concern for me.

This is what justifies the humanitarian action that Children of Africa Foundation takes for children since 1998.

Therefore, I am particularly attentive to the situation of children of the SOS Village of Abobo, and their well-being. To see them grow and thrive in a healthy environment, despite the difficult times encountered early in their lives, is a real source of happiness and peace.

This salutary action was made possible through the generosity of many good will and dedication of the management. These men and women are working hard to make daily life more pleasant for children, while offering them a brighter future.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

At this stage of my remarks, I would like to thank the leaders of international organizations working for the protection of children. I also thank all the generous donors who have enabled the renovation of the center.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Educators,

I want to thank you for the outstanding work you do daily with our children. You are the first to give them a smile, listening to their talk, and sharing their joys and sorrows. And this is priceless! You have all my encouragement and my support. I also hope that the new building we are inaugurating today, as all the gifts we have brought you, will help lighten your daily tasks.

My Dear Children,

I was very happy to see you fit and full of energy. I had a great time with you, and I look forward to seeing you in December, on the occasion of the Christmas tree of the Foundation. I wish you a very nice day.

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