Dimbokro: First Lady Dominique Ouattara calls for more efforts to promote women’s rights
Actualités Biography Children of Africa Foundation Children Of Africa- Speeches of the First Lady CNS – SPEECHES OF THE FIRST LADY Combatting child labor Contact

Academic training: HEC Paris students learn about the First Lady’s social and humanitarian initiatives
Actualités Biography Children of Africa Foundation Children Of Africa- Speeches of the First Lady CNS – SPEECHES OF THE FIRST LADY Combatting child labor Contact

On the sidelines of Christmas service: The First Lady, Mrs Dominique Ouattara, offers substantial food and non-food items to the people of Assinie
Actualités Biography Children of Africa Foundation Children Of Africa- Speeches of the First Lady CNS – SPEECHES OF THE FIRST LADY Combatting child labor Contact

Birthday celebration: The First Lady celebrated by Ministers and collaborators
Actualités Biography Children of Africa Foundation Children Of Africa- Speeches of the First Lady CNS – SPEECHES OF THE FIRST LADY Combatting child labor Contact

Empowerment of women: First Lady Dominique Ouattara provided over 300 million CFA francs in funding and in kind donations for women in the Belier region
First Lady Dominique Ouattara provided additional funding worth 300 million CFA francs to the women of the Belier region during a ceremony held on Friday,

45th International Women’s Rights Day: First Lady Dominique Ouattara makes important donations to women
The 45th edition of the International Women’s Rights Day (IWD) was celebrated fervently on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at the Agora place in the commune

Hambol Region: The First Lady offers cheques worth one billion CFA francs to women
As part of the FAFCI program, First Lady Dominique Ouattara granted additional funding to women in the Hambol region on Friday, November 29, 2019. On

International Women’s Day
First Lady Dominique Ouattara sponsored the International Women’s Day 2019, Friday, March 8, 2019. The celebration was held in Bouaké, specifically at the Palais du

Women’s Empowerment
The First Lady gives checks and make donations to women in Abidjan