Audience: the First Lady receives  Mr. Nouho Abdel, CEO of the national newspaper fraternite matin

The First Lady, Mrs Dominique Ouattara, also met with Mr. Nouho Abdel, Managing Director of Fraternite Matin, on Tuesday December 12, 2023, at her office in Cocody. Mr. Nouho Abdel was accompanied by his wife Mrs Carine Ouattara Nouho, President of the NGO “Lean on my love”.

Mr. Nouho Abdel, CEO of Fraternite Matin, was keen to extend his greetings to the First Lady and give an update on developments in the press industry. He went on to thank the President of the Republic, through his wife, for his appointment as head of the government daily. Finally, he asked for the First Lady’s patronage for the festivities to celebrate Fraternite Matin’s 60th anniversary in December 2024. In return, the First Lady gave her agreement in principle to the patronage of these festivities.

On leaving the audience, Mr. Nouho Abdel, CEO of Fraternité Matin, said: “I also took advantage of the fact that Fraternite Matin is celebrating its 60th anniversary very soon to request her patronage for the event that will take place in December 2024.

Mrs Carine Ouattara Nouho, President of “Lean on my love”, took advantage of the meeting to present her organization and its areas of intervention to the First Lady.

‘ We spoke about the media industry. But it was above all to present my greetings to her, as this is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to meet her since I was appointed. I also wanted to say thank you to her, and through her to the President of the Republic for his confidence in appointing me to this position. It’s a mark of confidence that honors me. And we’ll try to do my best. I also thanked him for making it possible for the international press, which has been absent from the national market since 2018, to be back. I also took advantage of the fact that Fraternité Matin is celebrating its 60th anniversary very soon to ask her for patronage of the event that will take place in December 2024.’ Said the CEO of Fraternite Matin





